As you will see, the theme of this website focuses on rude (including, and mostly, swear) words, phrases and mottos. Most people tend to shy away from openly cussing. Whilst, we would argue that women who swear are more intelligent, funnier and bold. Women with attitude who curse are more than happy to be called Bossy Bitches. In fact, we embrace it.
For us, swearing should be associated with things like strong verbal fluency, openness and honesty. It lowers tension, dulls sensation of pain and helps to develop camaraderie. It's simply freedom of expression!
This online store is shameless and acknowledges that swearing/cussing is not for everyone. If you don't like it, we understand, simply jog on. Only those with a sense of humour can stay ......
Lets keep it bold, classy, modern and sophisticated. With lots and lots (did I say lots!) of attitude!
Bossy Bitch x